Friday, 26 December 2014

Downgrade Moto e

Note:Warning if anything goes wrong i am  not a responsible for anything make sure dont let  wrong ,, although it wont go wrong if you read the full description

Moto e
motorola-xt1022-400x400-imadvvfknshcywk5moto g


1.Backup everything ( although if you unlock your bootloader it will erase entire data and make sure u have charged ur device full )
2.Install Android Software development kit  from here , aslo install moto drivers from here
3.After that install all your adb requirements to your pc ( extract the downloaded zip and name that folder as “ANDROID “ copy it to C:\ then open “Sdk manager ” load all requirements like “GOOGLE USB DRIVER “Etc make sure tick on android 4.4 kitkat Api install all packages” )
4.Once done go and locate “FASTBOOT.EXE” extracted folder , in this case  if you have copied the android folder to local drive c:  location  will be “C:\Android\sdk\platform-tools



then hold “SHIFT KEY and right click ” now  you see open command here,, Then try to type  “adb “ if you see all installed files then your are head to go ..
5.Put your device into fastboot mode ( hold power + volume down for 5 secs then release  both keys then you can see fastboot mode)..
6.connect it to pc then type ”  fastboot oem get_unlock_data “  YOU WILL receive some key and copy all code from cmd then open notepad and paste it remove all spaces in between the code once done copy that code with out spaces visit motorola  wesbite and sign in then at the bottom of the page of moto  website u need to paste that code and agree it  as “can my device be unlocked ” after that it will send you a unlock key to your  mail.

A screen shot look like this on moto website :



Check if your device can be unlocked by pasting this string in the field below, and clicking “Can my device be unlocked?”
Can my device be unlocked?
 7.Once you have received your unlock key  open cmd again from that android folder and type “fastboot oem unlock  “COpy the unlock key here”  ” thats it ur deivce have been unlocked so go head and your are eligible to install custom roms…


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